The financial sector, even in Italy, ranks among the major victims of cybercriminals. According to the latest "Clusit 2023 Report on Cybersecurity", in 2022 alone, approximately 2 new phishing pages were activated daily in this area, through which scammers attempted to deceive victims into providing personal information, financial data, or access codes. Big brands like Bper Banca, Intesa Sanpaolo, and Poste Italiane are targeted by hackers. However, phishing is not the only type of cyber risk associated with banking services.
When discussing the banking world, we must distinguish between two areas:
Depending on the context, defending against cyber risks related to financial services can take on different aspects:
The banking world is subject to an extremely wide range of regulations aimed at maximizing system resilience: it is generally a sector less affected compared to others that have not made investments of this nature. However, it is evident that the more data a reality possesses, the more advantages a criminal can gain by attacking it, and the more they will attempt to do so. It all depends on the trade-off between the ease of the attack and the possibility of return on investment.
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